INTRODUCING: An Online Class To Help You Create A Successful Budget

Join The Online Budget Bootcamp
Conquer Your Budget Once & For All! 
Hey Journeyer! Are you struggling with how to create and stick to a Budget a.k.a what I like to call a "Freedom Plan"?

If you can identify with any of the following, then my Budget Bootcamp class is just for you:
  •  You have no idea where your money goes every month after you get paid, it's like a thief is taking money out of your bank account every month
  •  You have debt you want to pay off but don't know where to find the money 
  •  You do your budget in your head
  •  You use a pen and paper method to budget but still don't feel 100% confident in where your money goes every month
  •  You often get frustrated with your current budgeting system and still can't figure out what to do
Does any of that sound familiar?

If you found yourself nodding to any of the statements above, it's time for you take the mystery and confusion out of the word budget and conquer your finances once and for all!

The Budget Boot Camp is a replay of my two hour LIVE budgeting master class focused on helping you understand, start and maintain a budget that works for you.  

You are one step away from Finding More Money & Feeling Confident About Your Finances.
It's time for you to take back control over your finances once and for all and start to feel confident and sure about your finances. Stop living paycheck to paycheck and get ahead of the bills that keep piling up so that you can create the extra cushion in your cash flow to pay off debt and start investing. 
Included in your purchase of the Budget Boot Camp:
 Instant Access to the 2 hour replay of the Live Budget Boot Camp Class + downloadable copies of the presentation slides
 The Simple Budget Guide, a 17 page workbook to help you map your budget, set your goals, organize your debt and plan your savings goals 
 Custom Budget Worksheet Template to help you automatically calculate the numbers and create your budget
 Visual walk-through of my favorite budgeting tools: YNAB & The Custom Budget Worksheet Template
 Unlimited Access to the replay so that you can watch whenever you want
 Lifetime Access to any upgrades or new materials I add to the course at no additional charge

What People Have To Say About the Boot Camp:
"I learned so much on tonight's budget boot camp. I so needed this because I've been trying to establish AND stick to a budget for so long. I can't wait to really dig in and put the tips from tonight into play."

- Christina (New York, NY)

"This was a great course on the basics of budgeting. I was opposed to budgeting for while although I had done it before to get my finances in order. However, now that I have seen the advantages, it does not have that negative connotation anymore. Taking your course reassured me that budgeting does make money management easier."

- Dineen (Norwalk, CT)
"This course exceeded my expectations. I gained a lot of practical budgeting skills and I am definitely going to recommend this course to my friends"

- Dominique (Brooklyn, NY)
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Jamila Souffrant
As a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI) and money expert, I'm savvy in budgeting and all things personal finance. Because of my money habits, my family and I are debt free (besides the mortgage) and I'm on my way to becoming financially independent by the age of 40.

I want to teach you what I’ve learned through a little trial and error and a lot of discipline over the years. My goal is to help you eliminate debt, save more money and increase your net worth
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